Traditional and Written Songs

As an aficionado of traditional music, dance and song (a 'folkie', if you prefer), I feel I must point out that to describe this as a 'traditional' song is at best misleading.

I'm not an expert in copyright law, but if you describe a song as 'Traditional' and it turns out to have been written by someone else, you can get into trouble.

I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside was written by John A. Glover–Kind, and made famous by the Music Hall singer Mark Sheridan who first recorded it in 1909. It was of course used as a signature tune, for many years, by Reginald Dixon MBE, who was the resident organist at the Tower Ballroom, Blackpool, between 1930 and 1970.

If you want a way to categorise this song, I would suggest 'Music Hall song'.

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